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CELLART: Genesis and creation

Before making us feel tipsy, wine is first of all a story of sharing, of passion, of exchanges, of encounters. During the last 6 years, wine has made us travel, and has led us to places far away from civilization up to the foothills of the Himalayas.

The idea of CELLART arose quite naturally in 2019 after having travelled through the vineyards of Australia and China. More than a need to undertake, it is the desire of sharing our discoveries that drives us to innovate and to offer a new approach of drinking wine with the purpose of bringing hedonism, good living and exchanging back to its core.

We found it selfish to keep our discoveries and not to have all the curious followers of our wine peregrinations in France and beyond benefit from them. We therefore created CELLART based on 3 fundamental statements to which we intended to find a solution.

1. The entry barrier.

Building a wine cellar requires a lot of time, knowledge and relationships. Starting a wine cellar is like facing a blank page. Which appellations should you look for? Which vintages should you choose? Which producers can you meet? Some people have even confessed that they don't even really know their own tastes and preferences, which further complicates the job.

It took us several years to build up our own cellar. And every year we keep on adding new wines to it. It evolves along with the seasons and our tastes, the wine regions we visit and the winemakers we meet.

2. The financialization of wine.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, when the Chinese market started importing foreign wines, the prices of some wines have risen significantly, resulting from an exponential demand for relatively restricted volumes. This is the way things work, but it goes against the values that we believe in when it comes to wine, which is meant to be enjoyed and not locked away in warehouses thousands of miles away from their owners.

The only advisory service we knew of for wine purchases was for investing: how to create a portfolio that maximises value on resale. And in the end, true wine lovers are no longer involved, as some wines are simply becoming unaffordable or so expensive that we are reluctant to open them.

CELLART's ambition is to fight against these trends by bringing back the pleasure, the sharing, the joy of opening a good bottle of wine with your friends. We create hedonistic cellars, whose balance and complementarity are central issues in order to meet the needs of wine drinkers, whatever the price or the provenance of the bottles.

3. Standardization.

Standardization is far too common in the world of wine. In many large companies, the imperatives of regularity and consistency from year to year encourage more the imitation of a particular style and taste than the expression of the terroir and mother nature that contributed to its emergence. A wine with a soul is made from its small defects, which are precisely what make it so unique. It expresses the terroir from which it emanates, the climate it has enjoyed throughout the year, the men and women who have crafted it. These wines are inimitable and they are what we are looking for.

With CELLART, we wanted to restore the meaning of personalization by taking it to a new level. It's more than just fitting individual tastes, it's about creating a global and immersive experience that allows everyone to appropriate their own cellar. Exchanging, tasting, travelling and sharing are all part of what makes each cellar unique.

CELLART trilogy, part 1/3.

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